ISO/IEC20000源自于BS15000标准,BS15000是英国标准协会(British Standards Institute)针对IT服务管理而制定的一个标准。

ISO/IEC20000 from BS15000 standard, BS15000 is the British Standards Institute (British Standards Institute) for IT service management and develop a standard, the earliest began in 1995, after several revisions, Become by two parts of the content of ISO20000 information technology service management standard, and is widely accepted by IT service management standard.

IT organizations from the emergence to the development of a long period of time, has been to do a good job in technology, technical support supporting role for the characteristics. But today's information system is not just a technical support, information from "technology-driven" to "business-driven" transformation, the role of the IT department also gradually started from pure information technology providers to information service providers, the transition of the function, objectively also require information management to the IT service management mode transformation.

With the development of IT technology, more and more organizations build their value chains based on IT technology and need THE support of IT to support the operation of organizations. IT architecture has become a key factor affecting the survival of organizations, especially for organizations that highly depend on information technology, such as banks, securities, insurance and telecommunications. And with the investment of IT year by year, a large number of software and hardware systems have been built. The improvement of customer requirements, the fear of failure, and the unease of increasing investment costs have all prompted organizations to take measures to standardize the management of IT services.

In the process of product production, it is necessary to follow certain quality control standards (such as ISO9000 series of standards), can ensure that the quality of products to maintain a higher level (such as a higher qualified rate of products), but also can reduce the cost of product manufacturing. For service delivery (operation) Process, follow the relevant service management standards (such as ISO20000) can realize the standardization of service operation Inputs and production Process. Only when the process is standardized, can the final service quality and cost meet the predetermined standards, can process control be realized, so as to achieve the goal of quality control.

Data source text (baike.baidu.com/item/ISO20000%E6%A0%87%E5%87%86/1779963?fr=aladdin)

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